Welcome to True North


True North is Grace’s High School Ministry. We meet every Sunday morning at 10:45 for True North.

God created each individual student and gave him or her unique gifts and passions. He did so not only for his or her benefit or the benefit of others, but for the benefit of His Kingdom. It is our desire to see students actively participate in the purposes for which they were created and become the men and women that God created them to be. Email cam@gfc.tv for more info.

Grace New Hope True North serves high school students and their families in the Archer, Grayson, Loganville, Dacula, and Central Gwinnett school districts.


During the school year, our high schoolers meet in age and gender specific small groups called D-Groups led by adults  called D-Group Leaders.

This is an opportunity for students to begin the process of discipleship should they wish to endeavor. We aim to encourage our students into discipleship relationships that edify and challenge them to pursue intimate relationships with Jesus.

Follow us on Instagram (@gracenewhopestudents).

Contact Us

If you want to call us dial 678-757-4673 Ext. 2
Cameron Free (Student Minister): Cam@gfc.tv
Jane Brumley (Student Ministry Admin): Jane@gfc.tv
Elise Free (Student Outreach Coordinator): Elise@gfc.tv